
class buzzard.ASource(<implementation detail>)[source]

Base abstract class defining the common behavior of all sources opened in the Dataset.

Features Defined

  • Has a stored spatial reference

  • Has a virtual spatial reference that is influenced by the Dataset’s opening mode

  • Can be closed

property wkt_stored

The spatial reference that can be found in the metadata of a source, in wkt format.

string or None

property proj4_stored

The spatial reference that can be found in the metadata of a source, in proj4 format.

string or None

property wkt_virtual

The spatial reference considered to be written in the metadata of a source, in wkt format.

string or None

property proj4_virtual

The spatial reference considered to be written in the metadata of a source, in proj4 format.

string or None


Get the list of keys under which this source is registered to in the Dataset

property close

Close a source with a call or a context management. The close attribute returns an object that can be both called and used in a with statement


>>> ds.dem.close()
>>> with ds.dem.close:
        # code...
>>> with ds.acreate_raster('result.tif', fp, float, 1).close as result:
        # code...
>>> with ds.acreate_vector('results.shp', 'linestring').close as roofs:
        # code...
class buzzard.ASourceVector(<implementation detail>)[source]

Base abstract class defining the common behavior of all vectors.

Features Defined

  • Has a type that defines the type of geometry (like “Polygon”)

  • Has fields that define the type of informations that is paired with each geometries

  • Has a stored extent that allows to retrieve the current extent of all the geometries

  • Has a length that indicates how many geometries this source contains.

  • Has several read functions (like iter_data) to retrieve geometries in their current state to shapely objects

property type

Geometry type

property fields

Fields definition

property extent

Get the vector’s extent in work spatial reference. (x then y)


>>> minx, maxx, miny, maxy = ds.roofs.extent
property extent_stored

Get the vector’s extent in stored spatial reference. (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)

property bounds

Get the vector’s bounds in work spatial reference. (min then max)


>>> minx, miny, maxx, maxy = ds.roofs.extent
property bounds_stored

Get the vector’s bounds in stored spatial reference. (min then max)


Return the number of features in vector

iter_data(fields=None, geom_type='shapely', mask=None, clip=False, slicing=slice(0, None, 1))[source]

Create an iterator over vector’s features


fields: None or string or -1 or sequence of string/int

Which fields to include in iteration

  • if None, empty sequence or empty string: No fields included

  • if -1: All fields included

  • if string: Name of fields to include (separated by comma or space)

  • if sequence: List of indices / names to include

geom_type: {‘shapely’, ‘coordinates’}

Returned geometry type

mask: None or Footprint or shapely geometry or (nbr, nbr, nbr, nbr)

Add a spatial filter to iteration, only geometries not disjoint with mask will be included.

  • if None: No spatial filter

  • if Footprint or shapely polygon: Polygon

  • if (nbr, nbr, nbr, nbr): Extent (minx, maxx, miny, maxy)

clip: bool

Returns intersection of geometries and mask. Caveat: A clipped geometry might not be of the same type as the original geometry. e.g: polygon might be clipped to might be converted to one of those:

  • polygon

  • line

  • point

  • multipolygon

  • multiline

  • multipoint

  • geometrycollection

slicing: slice

Slice of the iteration to return. It is applied after spatial filtering


feature: geometry or (geometry,) or (geometry, *fields)
  • If geom_type is ‘shapely’: geometry is a shapely geometry.

  • If geom_type is coordinates: geometry is a nested lists of numpy arrays.

  • If fields is not a sequence: feature is geometry or (geometry, *fields), depending on the number of fields to yield.

  • If fields is a sequence or a string: feature is (geometry,) or (geometry, *fields). Use fields=[-1] to get a monad containing all fields.


>>> for polygon, volume, stock_type in ds.stocks.iter_data('volume,type'):
        print('area:{}m**2, volume:{}m**3'.format(polygon.area, volume))
>>> for polygon, in ds.stocks.iter_data([]):
>>> for polygon in ds.stocks.iter_data():
get_data(index, fields=-1, geom_type='shapely', mask=None, clip=False)[source]

Fetch a single feature in vector. See ASourceVector.iter_data

iter_geojson(mask=None, clip=False, slicing=slice(0, None, 1))[source]

Create an iterator over vector’s features


mask: None or Footprint or shapely geometry or (nbr, nbr, nbr, nbr)

Add a spatial filter to iteration, only geometries not disjoint with mask will be included.

  • if None: No spatial filter

  • if Footprint or shapely polygon: Polygon

  • if (nbr, nbr, nbr, nbr): Extent (minx, maxx, miny, maxy)

clip: bool

Returns intersection of geometries and mask. Caveat: A clipped geometry might not be of the same type as the original geometry. e.g: polygon might be clipped to might be converted to one of those:

  • polygon

  • line

  • point

  • multipolygon

  • multiline

  • multipoint

  • geometrycollection

slicing: slice

Slice of the iteration to return. It is applied after spatial filtering


iterable of geojson feature (dict)


>>> for geojson in ds.stocks.iter_geojson():
        print('exterior-point-count:{}, volume:{}m**3'.format(
get_geojson(index, mask=None, clip=False)[source]

Fetch a single feature in vector. See ASourceVector.iter_geojson


Descriptor object to manage deprecation

class buzzard.AStored(<implementation detail>)[source]

Base abstract class defining the common behavior of all sources that are stored somewhere (like RAM or disk).

Features Defined

  • Has an opening mode

property mode

Open mode, one of {‘r’, ‘w’}

class buzzard.AStoredVector(<implementation detail>)[source]

Base abstract class defining the common behavior of all vectors that are stored somewhere (like RAM or disk).

Features Defined

  • Has an insert_data method that allows to write geometries to storage

insert_data(geom, fields=(), index=-1)[source]

Insert a feature in vector.

This method is not thread-safe.


geom: shapely.base.BaseGeometry or nested sequence of coordinates
fields: sequence or dict

Feature’s fields, missing or None fields are defaulted.

  • if empty sequence: Keep all fields defaulted

  • if sequence of length len(self.fields): Fields to be set, same order as self.fields

  • if dict: Mapping of fields to be set

index: int
  • if -1: append feature

  • else: insert feature at index (if applicable)


>>> poly =, 10, 42, 43)
>>> fields = {'volume': 42.24}
>>> ds.stocks.insert_data(poly, fields)


When using a Vector backed by a driver (like an OGR driver), the data might be flushed to disk only after the garbage collection of the driver object. To be absolutely sure that the driver cache is flushed to disk, call .close or .deactivate on this Vector.

class buzzard.AEmissary(<implementation detail>)[source]

Base abstract class defining the common behavior of all sources that are backed by a driver.

Features Defined

  • Has a driver (like “GTiff” for GDAL’s geotiff driver)

  • Has open_options

  • Has a path (if the driver supports it)

  • Can be deleted (if the driver supports it)

property driver

Get the driver name, such as ‘GTiff’ or ‘GeoJSON’

property open_options

Get the list of options used for opening

property path

Get the file system path of this source, may be the empty string if not applicable

property delete

Delete a source with a call or a context management. May raise an exception if not applicable or if mode = ‘r’ The delete attribute returns an object that can be both called and used in a with statement


>>> ds.dem.delete()
>>> with ds.dem.delete:
        # code...
>>> with ds.acreate_raster('/tmp/tmp.tif', fp, float, 1).delete as tmp:
        # code...
>>> with ds.acreate_vector('/tmp/tmp.shp', 'polygon').delete as tmp:
        # code...
property remove

Delete a source with a call or a context management. May raise an exception if not applicable or if mode = ‘r’ The delete attribute returns an object that can be both called and used in a with statement


>>> ds.dem.delete()
>>> with ds.dem.delete:
        # code...
>>> with ds.acreate_raster('/tmp/tmp.tif', fp, float, 1).delete as tmp:
        # code...
>>> with ds.acreate_vector('/tmp/tmp.shp', 'polygon').delete as tmp:
        # code...
class buzzard.AEmissaryVector(<implementation detail>)[source]

Base abstract class defining the common behavior of all vectors that are backed by a driver.

Features Defined

  • Has a layer (if the driver supports it)

property layer
class buzzard.GDALMemoryVector(<implementation detail>)[source]

Concrete class defining the behavior of a GDAL raster using the “Memory” driver

>>> help(Dataset.create_vector)

Features Defined
