
class buzzard.Footprint(**kwargs)[source]

Immutable object representing the location and size of a spatially localized raster. All methods are thread-safe.

The Footprint class:

  • is a toolbox class designed to position a rectangle in both image space and geometry space,

  • its main purpose is to simplify the manipulation of windows in rasters,

  • has many accessors,

  • has many algorithms,

  • is a constant object,

  • is designed to work with any rectangle in space (like non north-up/west-left rasters),

  • is independent from projections, units and files,

  • uses affine library internally for conversions (


This class being complex and full python, the constructor is too slow for certain use cases (~0.5ms).

Method category

Method names

Footprint construction

from scratch

__init__, of_extent

from Footprint

__and__, intersection, erode, dilate, …


extent, coords, geom, __geo_interface__


Spatial - Size and vectors

size, width, height, diagvec, …

Spatial - Coordinates

tl, bl, br, tr, …

Spatial - Misc

area, length, semiminoraxis, …x

Raster - Size

rsize, rwidth, rheight, …

Raster - Indices

rtl, rbl, rbr, ttr, …

Raster - Misc

rarea, rlength, rsemiminoraxis, …

Affine transformations

pxsize, pxvec, angle, …

Binary predicates

__eq__, …


shape, meshgrid_raster, meshgrid_spatial, slice_in, …

Coordinates conversions

spatial_to_raster, raster_to_spatial

Geometry / Raster conversions

find_polygons, burn_polygons, …


tile, tile_count, tile_occurrence


__str__, …

Informations on geo transforms (gt) and affine matrices

GDAL ordering:








width of a pixel

row rotation


column rotation

height of a pixel

>>> c, a, b, f, d, e =
>>> tlx, dx, rx, tly, ry, dy =

Matrix ordering:







width of a pixel

row rotation


column rotation

height of a pixel


>>> a, b, c, d, e, f = fp.aff6
>>> dx, rx, tlx, ry, dy, tly = fp.aff6

There are only two ways to construct a Footprint, but several high level constructors exist, such as .intersection.

Usage 1

>>> buzz.Footprint(tl=(0, 10), size=(10, 10), rsize=(100, 100))

Usage 2

>>> buzz.Footprint(gt=(0, .1, 0, 10, 0, -.1), rsize=(100, 100))


tl: (nbr, nbr)

raster spatial top left coordinates

gt: (nbr, nbr, nbr, nbr, nbr, nbr)

geotransforms with GDAL ordering

size: (nbr, nbr)

Size of Footprint in space (unsigned)

rsize: (int, int)

Size of raster in pixel (unsigned integers)


Returns Footprint.intersection

classmethod of_extent(extent, scale)[source]

Create a Footprint from a rectangle extent and a scale


extent: (nbr, nbr, nbr, nbr)

Spatial coordinates of (minx, maxx, miny, maxy) defining a rectangle

scale: nbr or (nbr, nbr)

Resolution of output Footprint:

  • if nbr: resolution = [a, -a]

  • if (nbr, nbr): resolution [a, b]

clip(startx, starty, endx, endy)[source]

Construct a new Footprint by clipping self using pixel indices

To clip using coordinates see Footprint.intersection.


startx: int or None

Same rules as regular python slicing

starty: int or None

Same rules as regular python slicing

endx: int or None

Same rules as regular python slicing

endy: int or None

Same rules as regular python slicing


fp: Footprint

The new clipped Footprint


Construct a new Footprint from self, eroding all edges by count pixels


Construct a new Footprint from self, dilating all edges by count pixels

intersection(self, *objects, scale='self', rotation='auto', alignment='auto', homogeneous=False)[source]

Construct a Footprint bounding the intersection of geometric objects, self being one of the of input geometry. Inputs’ intersection is always within output Footprint.


*objects: *object

Any object with a __geo_interface__ attribute defining a geometry, like a Footprint or a shapely object.

scale: one of {‘self’, ‘highest’, ‘lowest’} or (nbr, nbr) or nbr

‘self’: Output Footprint’s resolution is the same as self ‘highest’: Output Footprint’s resolution is the highest one among the input Footprints ‘lowest’: Output Footprint’s resolution is the lowest one among the input Footprints (nbr, nbr): Signed pixel size, aka scale nbr: Signed pixel width. Signed pixel height is assumed to be -width

rotation: one of {‘auto’, ‘fit’} or nbr

If scale designate a Footprint object, its rotation is chosen Else, self’s rotation is chosen


Output Footprint is the rotated minimum bounding rectangle


Angle in degree

alignment: {‘auto’, ‘tl’, (nbr, nbr)}
If scale and rotation designate the same Footprint object, its alignment

is chosen

Else, ‘tl’ alignment is chosen

‘tl’: Ouput Footprint’s alignement is the top left most point of the bounding rectangle

of the intersection

(nbr, nbr): Coordinate of a point that lie on the grid.

This point can be anywhere in space.

homogeneous: bool

False: No effect True: Raise an exception if all input Footprints do not lie on the same grid as self.



move(tl, tr=None, br=None, round_coordinates=False)[source]

Create a copy of self moved by an Affine transformation by providing new points. rsize is always conserved

Usage cases




Affine transformations possible








Translation, Rotation, Scale x and y uniformly with positive real




Translation, Rotation, Scale x and y independently with reals


tl: (nbr, nbr)

New top left coordinates

tr: (nbr, nbr)

New top right coordinates

br: (nbr, nbr)

New bottom right coordinates

round_coordinates: bool

Round the input coordinates with respect to buzz.env.significant, so that the output Footprint is as much similar as possible as the input Footprint regarding those properties: - angle - pxsize - pxsizex / pxsizey

This option helps a lot if the input coordinates suffered from floating point precision loss since it will cancel the noise in the resulting transformation matrix.


Only work when tr and br are both provided



property extent

Get the Footprint’s extent (x then y)


>>> minx, maxx, miny, maxy = fp.extent
>>> plt.imshow(arr, extent=fp.extent)

fp.extent from fp.bounds using numpy fancy indexing

>>> minx, maxx, miny, maxy = fp.bounds[[0, 2, 1, 3]]
property bounds

Get the Footprint’s bounds (min then max)


>>> minx, miny, maxx, maxy = fp.bounds

fp.bounds from fp.extent using numpy fancy indexing

>>> minx, miny, maxx, maxy = fp.extent[[0, 2, 1, 3]]
property coords

Get corners coordinates


>>> tl, bl, br, tr = fp.coords
property poly

Convert self to shapely.geometry.Polygon

property __geo_interface__
property size

Spatial distances: (||raster left - raster right||, ||raster top - raster bottom||)

property sizex

Spatial distance: ||raster left - raster right||

property sizey

Spatial distance: ||raster top - raster bottom||

property width

Spatial distance: ||raster left - raster right||, alias for sizex

property height

Spatial distance: ||raster top - raster bottom||, alias for sizey

property w

Spatial distance: ||raster left - raster right||, alias for sizex

property h

Spatial distance: ||raster top - raster bottom||, alias for sizey

property lrvec

Spatial vector: (raster right - raster left)

property tbvec

Spatial vector: (raster bottom - raster top)

property diagvec

Spatial vector: (raster bottom right - raster top left)

property tl

Spatial coordinates: raster top left (x, y)

property tlx

Spatial coordinate: raster top left (x)

property tly

Spatial coordinate: raster top left (y)

property bl

Spatial coordinates: raster bottom left (x, y)

property blx

Spatial coordinate: raster bottom left (x)

property bly

Spatial coordinate: raster bottom left (y)

property br

Spatial coordinates: raster bottom right (x, y)

property brx

Spatial coordinate: raster bottom right (x)

property bry

Spatial coordinate: raster bottom right (y)

property tr

Spatial coordinates: raster top right (x, y)

property trx

Spatial coordinate: raster top right (x)

property try_

Spatial coordinate: raster top right (y) Don’t forget the trailing underscore

property t

Spatial coordinates: raster top center (x, y)

property tx

Spatial coordinate: raster top center (x)

property ty

Spatial coordinate: raster top center (y)

property l

Spatial coordinates: raster center left (x, y)

property lx

Spatial coordinate: raster center left (x)

property ly

Spatial coordinate: raster center left (y)

property b

Spatial coordinates: raster bottom center (x, y)

property bx

Spatial coordinate: raster bottom center (x)

property by

Spatial coordinate: raster bottom center (y)

property r

Spatial coordinates: raster center right (x, y)

property rx

Spatial coordinate: raster center right (x)

property ry

Spatial coordinate: raster center right (y)

property c

Spatial coordinates: raster center (x, y)

property cx

Spatial coordinate: raster center (x)

property cy

Spatial coordinate: raster center (y)

property semiminoraxis

Spatial distance: half-size of the smaller side

property semimajoraxis

Spatial distance: half-size of the bigger side

property area

Area: pixel count

property length

Length: circumference of the outer ring

property rsize

Pixel quantities: (pixel per line, pixel per column)

property rsizex

Pixel quantity: pixel per line

property rsizey

Pixel quantity: pixel per column

property rwidth

Pixel quantity: pixel per line, alias for rsizex

property rheight

Pixel quantity: pixel per column, alias for rsizey

property rw

Pixel quantity: pixel per line, alias for rsizex

property rh

Pixel quantity: pixel per column, alias for rsizey

property rtl

Indices: raster top left pixel (x=0, y=0)

property rtlx

Index: raster top left pixel (x=0)

property rtly

Index: raster top left pixel (y=0)

property rbl

Indices: raster bottom left pixel (x=0, y)

property rblx

Index: raster bottom left pixel (x=0)

property rbly

Index: raster bottom left pixel (y)

property rbr

Indices: raster bottom right pixel (x, y)

property rbrx

Index: raster bottom right pixel (x)

property rbry

Index: raster bottom right pixel (y)

property rtr

Indices: raster top right pixel (x, y=0)

property rtrx

Index: raster top right pixel (x)

property rtry

Index: raster top right pixel (y=0)

property rt

Indices: raster top center pixel (x truncated, y=0)

property rtx

Index: raster top center pixel (x truncated)

property rty

Index: raster top center pixel (y=0)

property rl

Indices: raster center left pixel (x=0, y truncated)

property rlx

Index: raster center left pixel (x=0)

property rly

Index: raster center left pixel (y truncated)

property rb

Indices: raster bottom center pixel (x truncated, y)

property rbx

Index: raster bottom center pixel (x truncated)

property rby

Index: raster bottom center pixel (y)

property rr

Indices: raster center right pixel (x, y truncated)

property rrx

Index: raster center right pixel (x)

property rry

Index: raster center right pixel (y truncated)

property rc

Indices: raster center pixel (x truncated, y truncated)

property rcx

Index: raster center pixel (x truncated)

property rcy

Index: raster center pixel (y truncated)

property rsemiminoraxis

Pixel quantity: half pixel count (truncated) of the smaller side

property rsemimajoraxis

Pixel quantity: half pixel count (truncated) of the bigger side

property rarea

Pixel quantity: pixel count

property rlength

Pixel quantity: pixel count in the outer ring

property gt

First 6 numbers of the affine transformation matrix, GDAL ordering

property aff33

The affine transformation matrix

property aff23

Top two rows of the affine transformation matrix

property aff6

First 6 numbers of the affine transformation matrix, left-right/top-bottom ordering

property affine

Underlying affine object

property scale

Spatial vector: scale used in the affine transformation, np.abs(scale) == pxsize

property angle

Angle in degree: rotation used in the affine transformation, (0 is north-up)

property pxsize

Spatial distance: ||pixel bottom right - pixel top left|| (x, y)

property pxsizex

Spatial distance: ||pixel right - pixel left|| (x)

property pxsizey

Spatial distance: ||pixel bottom - pixel top|| (y)

property pxvec

Spatial vector: (pixel bottom right - pixel top left)

property pxtbvec

Spatial vector: (pixel bottom left - pixel top left)

property pxlrvec

Spatial vector: (pixel top right - pixel top left)


Returns self.equals


Returns not self.equals


Binary predicate: Does other share area with self


other: Footprint or shapely object




Binary predicate: Is other Footprint exactly equal to self


other: Footprint




Binary predicate: Is other Footprint almost equal to self with regard to buzz.env.significant.


other: Footprint




Binary predicate: Does other Footprint lie on the same grid as self


other: Footprint



property shape

Pixel quantities: (pixel per column, pixel per line)

property meshgrid_raster

Compute indice matrices


(x, y): (np.ndarray, np.ndarray)

Raster indices matrices with shape = self.shape with dtype = env.default_index_dtype

property meshgrid_spatial

Compute coordinate matrices


(x, y): (np.ndarray, np.ndarray)

Spatial coordinate matrices with shape = self.shape with dtype = float32

meshgrid_raster_in(other, dtype=None, op=<ufunc 'floor'>)[source]

Compute raster coordinate matrices of self in other referential


other: Footprint
dtype: None or convertible to np.dtype

Output dtype If None: Use buzz.env.default_index_dtype

op: None or function operating on a vector

Function to apply before casting output to dtype If None: Do not transform data before casting


(x, y): (np.ndarray, np.ndarray)

Raster coordinate matrices with shape = self.shape with dtype = dtype

slice_in(other, clip=False)[source]

Compute location of self inside other with slice objects. If other and self do not have the same rotation, operation is undefined


other: Footprint
clip: bool

Does nothing


Clip the slices to other bounds. If other and self do not share area, at least one of the returned slice will have slice.start == slice.stop


(yslice, xslice): (slice, slice)


Burn small into big if small is within big >>> big_data[small.slice_in(big)] = small_data

Burn small into big where overlapping >>> big_data[small.slice_in(big, clip=True)] = small_data[big.slice_in(small, clip=True)]

spatial_to_raster(xy, dtype=None, op=<ufunc 'floor'>)[source]

Convert xy spatial coordinates to raster xy indices


xy: sequence of numbers of shape (…, 2)

Spatial coordinates

dtype: None or convertible to np.dtype

Output dtype If None: Use buzz.env.default_index_dtype

op: None or vectorized function

Function to apply before casting output to dtype If None: Do not transform data before casting


out_xy: np.ndarray

Raster indices with shape = np.asarray(xy).shape with dtype = dtype

Prototype inspired from


Convert xy raster coordinates to spatial coordinates


xy: sequence of numbers of shape (…, 2)

Raster coordinages


out_xy: np.ndarray

Spatial coordinates with shape = np.asarray(xy).shape with dtype = dtype

find_lines(arr, output_offset='middle', merge=True)[source]

Create a list of line-strings from a mask. Works with connectivity 4 and 8. The input raster is preprocessed using skimage.morphology.thin. The output linestrings are postprocessed using shapely.ops.linemerge.


All standalone pixels contained in arr will be ignored.


arr: np.ndarray of bool of shape (self.shape)
output_offset: ‘middle’ or (nbr, nbr)

Coordinate offset in meter if middle: substituted by self.pxvec / 2


list of shapely.geometry.LineString


>>> import buzzard as buzz
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import networkx as nx
>>> with buzz.Env(allow_complex_footprint=1):
...     a = np.asarray([
...         [0, 1, 1, 1, 0],
...         [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
...         [0, 1, 1, 1, 0],
...         [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
...         [0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
...     ])
...     fp = buzz.Footprint(gt=(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), rsize=(a.shape))
...     lines = fp.find_lines(a, (0, 0))
...     # Display input / output
...     print(fp)
...     print(a.astype(int))
...     for i, l in enumerate(lines, 1):
...         print(f'edge-id:{i} of type:{type(l)} and length:{l.length}')
...         print(fp.burn_lines(l).astype(int) * i)
...     # Build a networkx graph
...     g = nx.Graph([(l.coords[0], l.coords[-1]) for l in lines])
...     print(repr(
Footprint(tl=(0.000000, 0.000000), scale=(1.000000, 1.000000), angle=0.000000, rsize=(5, 5))
[[0 1 1 1 0]
 [0 1 0 0 0]
 [0 1 1 1 0]
 [0 1 0 0 0]
 [0 1 1 0 0]]
edge-id:1 of type:<class 'shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString'> and length:2.0
[[0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 1 1 1 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0]]
edge-id:2 of type:<class 'shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString'> and length:3.0
[[0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 2 0 0 0]
 [0 2 0 0 0]
 [0 2 2 0 0]]
edge-id:3 of type:<class 'shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString'> and length:4.0
[[0 3 3 3 0]
 [0 3 0 0 0]
 [0 3 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0]]
DegreeView({(3.0, 2.0): 1, (1.0, 2.0): 3, (2.0, 4.0): 1, (3.0, 0.0): 1})
burn_lines(obj, all_touched=False, labelize=False)[source]

Creates a 2d image from lines. Uses gdal.Polygonize.


obj: shapely line or nested iterators over shapely lines
labelize: bool
  • if False: Create a boolean mask

  • if True: Create an integer matrix containing lines indices from order in input


  • of bool or uint8 or int

  • of shape (self.shape)


Creates a list of polygons from a mask. Uses gdal.Polygonize.


This method is not equivalent to cv2.findContours that considers that pixels are points and therefore returns the indices of the pixels of the contours of the features.

This method consider that the pixels are areas and therefore returns the coordinates of the points that surrounds the features.


Some inputs that may produce invalid polygons (see below) are fixed with the shapely.geometry.Polygon.buffer method.

Shapely will issue several warnings while buzzard fixes the polygons.

>>> # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
... # 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
... # 0 1 1 1 1 0 0
... # 0 1 1 1 0 1 0  <- This feature has a hole near an edge. GDAL produces a self
... # 0 1 1 1 1 1 1     touching polygon without holes. A polygon with one hole is
... # 0 1 1 1 1 1 1     returned with this method.
... # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


arr: np.ndarray of bool of shape (self.shape)


list of shapely.geometry.Polygon

burn_polygons(obj, all_touched=False, labelize=False)[source]

Creates a 2d image from polygons. Uses gdal.RasterizeLayer.


This method is not equivalent to cv2.drawContours that considers that pixels are points and therefore expect as input the indices of the outer pixels of each feature.

This method consider that the pixels are areas and therefore expect as input the coordinates of the points surrounding the features.


obj: shapely polygon or nested iterators over shapely polygons
all_touched: bool

Burn all polygons touched



of bool or uint8 or int of shape (self.shape)


>>> burn_polygons(poly)
>>> burn_polygons([poly, poly])
>>> burn_polygons([poly, poly, [poly, poly], multipoly, poly])
tile(size, overlapx=0, overlapy=0, boundary_effect='extend', boundary_effect_locus='br')[source]

Tile a Footprint to a matrix of Footprint


size: (int, int)

Tile width and tile height, in pixel

overlapx: int

Width of a tile overlapping with each direct horizontal neighbors, in pixel

overlapy: int

Height of a tile overlapping with each direct vertical neighbors, in pixel

boundary_effect: {‘extend’, ‘exclude’, ‘overlap’, ‘shrink’, ‘exception’}

Behevior at boundary effect locus

  • ‘extend’
    • Preserve tile size

    • Preserve overlapx and overlapy

    • Sacrifice global bounds, results in tiles partially outside bounds at locus (if necessary)

    • Preserve tile count

    • Preserve boundary pixels coverage

  • ‘overlap’
    • Preserve tile size

    • Sacrifice overlapx and overlapy, results in tiles overlapping more at locus (if necessary)

    • Preserve global bounds

    • Preserve tile count

    • Preserve boundary pixels coverage

  • ‘exclude’
    • Preserve tile size

    • Preserve overlapx and overlapy

    • Preserve global bounds

    • Sacrifice tile count, results in tiles excluded at locus (if necessary)

    • Sacrifice boundary pixels coverage at locus (if necessary)

  • ‘shrink’
    • Sacrifice tile size, results in tiles shrinked at locus (if necessary)

    • Preserve overlapx and overlapy

    • Preserve global bounds

    • Preserve tile count

    • Preserve boundary pixels coverage

  • ‘exception’
    • Raise an exception if tiles at locus do not lie inside the global bounds

boundary_effect_locus: {‘br’, ‘tr’, ‘tl’, ‘bl’}

Locus of the boundary effects

  • ‘br’ : Boundary effect occurs at the bottom right corner of the raster, top left coordinates are preserved

  • ‘tr’ : Boundary effect occurs at the top right corner of the raster, bottom left coordinates are preserved

  • ‘tl’ : Boundary effect occurs at the top left corner of the raster, bottom right coordinates are preserved

  • ‘bl’ : Boundary effect occurs at the bottom left corner of the raster, top right coordinates are preserved


  • of dtype=object (Footprint)

  • of shape (M, N)

    • with M the line count

    • with N the column count

tile_count(rowcount, colcount, overlapx=0, overlapy=0, boundary_effect='extend', boundary_effect_locus='br')[source]

Tile a Footprint to a matrix of Footprint


rowcount: int

Tile count per row

colcount: int

Tile count per column

overlapx: int

Width of a tile overlapping with each direct horizontal neighbors, in pixel

overlapy: int

Height of a tile overlapping with each direct vertical neighbors, in pixel

boundary_effect: {‘extend’, ‘exclude’, ‘overlap’, ‘shrink’, ‘exception’}

Behevior at boundary effect locus

  • ‘extend’
    • Preserve tile size

    • Preserve overlapx and overlapy

    • Sacrifice global bounds, results in tiles partially outside bounds at locus (if necessary)

    • Preserve tile count

    • Preserve boundary pixels coverage

  • ‘overlap’
    • Preserve tile size

    • Sacrifice overlapx and overlapy, results in tiles overlapping more at locus (if necessary)

    • Preserve global bounds

    • Preserve tile count

    • Preserve boundary pixels coverage

  • ‘exclude’
    • Preserve tile size

    • Preserve overlapx and overlapy

    • Preserve global bounds

    • Preserve tile count

    • Sacrifice boundary pixels coverage at locus (if necessary)

  • ‘shrink’
    • Sacrifice tile size, results in tiles shrinked at locus (if necessary)

    • Preserve overlapx and overlapy

    • Preserve global bounds

    • Preserve tile count

    • Preserve boundary pixels coverage

  • ‘exception’
    • Raise an exception if tiles at locus do not lie inside the global bounds

boundary_effect_locus: {‘br’, ‘tr’, ‘tl’, ‘bl’}

Locus of the boundary effects

  • ‘br’ : Boundary effect occurs at the bottom right corner of the raster, top left coordinates are preserved

  • ‘tr’ : Boundary effect occurs at the top right corner of the raster, bottom left coordinates are preserved

tile_occurrence(size, pixel_occurrencex, pixel_occurrencey, boundary_effect='extend', boundary_effect_locus='br')[source]

Tile a Footprint to a matrix of Footprint Each pixel occur pixel_occurrencex * pixel_occurrencey times overall in the output


size: (int, int)

Tile width and tile height, in pixel

pixel_occurrencex: int

Number of occurence of each pixel in a line of tile

pixel_occurrencey: int

Number of occurence of each pixel in a column of tile

boundary_effect: {‘extend’, ‘exclude’, ‘overlap’, ‘shrink’, ‘exception’}

Behevior at boundary effect locus

  • ‘extend’
    • Preserve tile size

    • Preserve overlapx and overlapy

    • Sacrifice global bounds, results in tiles partially outside bounds at locus (if necessary)

    • Preserve tile count

    • Preserve boundary pixels coverage

  • ‘overlap’
    • Preserve tile size

    • Sacrifice overlapx and overlapy results in tiles overlapping more at locus (if necessary)

    • Preserve global bounds

    • Preserve tile count

    • Preserve boundary pixels coverage

  • ‘exclude’
    • Preserve tile size

    • Preserve overlapx and overlapy

    • Preserve global bounds

    • Sacrifice tile count, results in tiles excluded at locus (if necessary)

    • Sacrifice boundary pixels coverage at locus (if necessary)

  • ‘shrink’
    • Sacrifice tile size, results in tiles shrinked at locus (if necessary)

    • Preserve overlapx and overlapy

    • Preserve global bounds

    • Preserve tile count

    • Preserve boundary pixels coverage

  • ‘exception’

    Raise an exception if tiles at locus do not lie inside the global bounds

boundary_effect_locus: {‘br’, ‘tr’, ‘tl’, ‘bl’}

Locus of the boundary effects

  • ‘br’ : Boundary effect occurs at the bottom right corner of the raster top left coordinates are preserved

  • ‘tr’ : Boundary effect occurs at the top right corner of the raster, bottom left coordinates are preserved

  • ‘tl’ : Boundary effect occurs at the top left corner of the raster, bottom right coordinates are preserved

  • ‘bl’ : Boundary effect occurs at the bottom left corner of the raster, top right coordinates are preserved


  • of dtype=object (Footpr

int) - of shape (M, N)

  • with M the line count

  • with N the column count


Return str(self).


Return repr(self).


Helper for pickle.


Return hash(self).