Rasters Sources Using NumPy

Dataset.wrap_numpy_raster(key, fp, array, channels_schema=None, sr=None, mode='w', **kwargs)[source]

Register a numpy array as a raster under key within this Dataset.

>>> help(NumpyRaster)


key: hashable (like a string)

File identifier within Dataset

To avoid using a key, you may use awrap_numpy_raster()

fp: Footprint of shape (Y, X)

Description of the location and size of the raster to create.

array: ndarray of shape (Y, X) or (Y, X, C)
channels_schema: dict or None

Channel(s) metadata. (see Channels schema fields below)

sr: string or None

Spatial reference of the new file

In order not to set a spatial reference, use None.

In order to set a spatial reference, use a string that can be converted to WKT by GDAL.


source: NumpyRaster

Channel schema fields


‘nodata’: None or number ‘interpretation’: None or str ‘offset’: None or number ‘scale’: None or number ‘mask’: None or str

Interpretation values:

undefined, grayindex, paletteindex, redband, greenband, blueband, alphaband, hueband, saturationband, lightnessband, cyanband, magentaband, yellowband, blackband

Mask values:

all_valid, per_dataset, alpha, nodata


  • A field missing or None is kept to default value.

  • A field can be passed as

    • a value: All bands are set to this value

    • a sequence of values of length channel_count: All bands will be set to their respective state

See Also

Dataset.awrap_numpy_raster(fp, array, channels_schema=None, sr=None, mode='w', **kwargs)[source]

Register a numpy array as a raster anonymously within this Dataset.

See Also