Source code for buzzard._a_stored_raster

import numpy as np

from buzzard import _tools
from buzzard._footprint import Footprint
from buzzard._a_stored import AStored, ABackStored
from buzzard._a_source_raster import ASourceRaster, ABackSourceRaster

[docs]class AStoredRaster(AStored, ASourceRaster): """Base abstract class defining the common behavior of all rasters that are stored somewhere (like RAM or disk). Features Defined ---------------- - Has a `set_data` method that allows to write pixels to storage """
[docs] def set_data(self, array, fp=None, channels=None, interpolation='cv_area', mask=None, **kwargs): """.. _raster file set_data: Write a rectangle of data to the destination raster. Each channel in `array` is written to one channel in `raster` in the same order as described by the `channels` parameter. An optional `mask` may be provided to only write certain pixels of `array`. If `fp` is not fully within the destination raster, only the overlapping pixels are written. If `fp` is not on the same grid as the destination raster, remapping is automatically performed using the `interpolation` algorithm. (It fails if the `allow_interpolation` parameter is set to `False` in `Dataset` (default)). When interpolating: - The nodata values are not interpolated, they are correctly spread to the output. - At most one pixel may be lost at edges due to interpolation. Provide more context in `array` to compensate this loss. - The mask parameter is also interpolated. The alpha bands are currently resampled like any other band, this behavior may change in the future. This method is not thread-safe. Parameters ---------- array: numpy.ndarray of shape (Y, X) or (Y, X, C) The values to be written fp: Footprint of shape (Y, X) or None If None: write the full source raster If Footprint: write this window to the raster channels: None or int or slice or sequence of int (see `Channels Parameter` below) The channels to be written. interpolation: one of {'cv_area', 'cv_nearest', 'cv_linear', 'cv_cubic', 'cv_lanczos4'} or None OpenCV method used if intepolation is necessary mask: numpy array of shape (Y, X) and dtype `bool` OR inputs accepted by `Footprint.burn_polygons` .. Channels Parameter ------------------ +------------+-----------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | type | value | meaning | +============+=====================================================+================+ | NoneType | None (default) | All channels | +------------+-----------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | slice | slice(None), slice(1), slice(0, 2), slice(2, 0, -1) | Those channels | +------------+-----------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | int | 0, 1, 2, -1, -2, -3 | Channel `idx` | +------------+-----------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | (int, ...) | [0], [1], [2], [-1], [-2], [-3], [0, 1], [-1, 2, 1] | Those channels | +------------+-----------------------------------------------------+----------------+ Caveat ------ When using a Raster backed by a driver (like a GDAL driver), the data might be flushed to disk only after the garbage collection of the driver object. To be absolutely sure that the driver cache is flushed to disk, call `.close` or `.deactivate` on this Raster. """ if self.mode != 'w': # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Cannot write a read-only raster file') def _band_to_channels(val): val = np.asarray(val) if np.array_equal(val, -1): return None if val.ndim == 0: return val - 1 if val.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('Error in deprecated `band` parameter') val = [ v for v in val for v in (range(len(self)) if v == -1 else [v - 1]) ] return val channels, kwargs = _tools.deprecation_pool.handle_param_renaming_with_kwargs( new_name='channels', old_names={'band': '0.6.0'}, context='ASourceRaster.set_data', new_name_value=channels, new_name_is_provided=channels is not None, user_kwargs=kwargs, transform_old=_band_to_channels, ) if kwargs: # pragma: no cover raise TypeError("set_data() got an unexpected keyword argument '{}'".format( list(kwargs.keys())[0] )) # Normalize and check fp parameter if fp is None: fp = self.fp elif not isinstance(fp, Footprint): raise ValueError(f'`fp` parameter should be a Footprint (not {fp})') # pragma: no cover # Normalize and check channels parameter channel_ids, _ = _tools.normalize_channels_parameter(channels, len(self)) if len(channel_ids) != len(set(channel_ids)): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("The `channels` parameter should not reference twice the same channel") del channels # Normalize and check array parameter array = np.atleast_3d(array) if array.ndim != 3: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(f'Input array should have 2 or 3 dimensions, not {array.ndim}') if array.shape[:2] != tuple(fp.shape): # pragma: no cover msg = 'Incompatible shape between input `array` ({}) and `fp` ({})'.format( array.shape[:2], tuple(fp.shape) ) raise ValueError(msg) if len(channel_ids) != array.shape[-1]: # pragma: no cover msg = 'Incompatible number of channels between `array` ({}) and `channels` ({})'.format( len(channel_ids), array.shape[-1] ) raise ValueError(msg) # Normalize and check mask parameter if mask is not None: if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): mask = mask.astype(bool, copy=False) if mask.ndim != 2: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('Input `mask` should 2 dimensions') if mask.shape[:2] != tuple(fp.shape): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('Incompatible shape between input `mask` and `fp`') else: mask = fp.burn_polygons(mask) # Check interpolation parameter here if not (interpolation is None or interpolation in self._back.REMAP_INTERPOLATIONS): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('`interpolation` should be None or one of {}'.format( set(self._back.REMAP_INTERPOLATIONS.keys()) )) return self._back.set_data( array=array, fp=fp, channel_ids=channel_ids, interpolation=interpolation, mask=mask, )
[docs] def fill(self, value, channels=None, **kwargs): """Fill raster with value. This method is not thread-safe. Parameters ---------- value: nbr .. channels: int or sequence of int (see `Channels Parameter` below) The channels to be written Channels Parameter ------------------ +------------+-----------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | type | value | meaning | +============+=====================================================+================+ | NoneType | None (default) | All channels | +------------+-----------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | slice | slice(None), slice(1), slice(0, 2), slice(2, 0, -1) | Those channels | +------------+-----------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | int | 0, 1, 2, -1, -2, -3 | Channel `idx` | +------------+-----------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | (int, ...) | [0], [1], [2], [-1], [-2], [-3], [0, 1], [-1, 2, 1] | Those channels | +------------+-----------------------------------------------------+----------------+ Caveat ------ When using a Raster backed by a driver (like a GDAL driver), the data might be flushed to disk only after the garbage collection of the driver object. To be absolutely sure that the driver cache is flushed to disk, call `.close` or `.deactivate` on this Raster. """ if self.mode != 'w': # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Cannot write a read-only raster file') def _band_to_channels(val): val = np.asarray(val) if np.array_equal(val, -1): return None if val.ndim == 0: return val - 1 if val.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('Error in deprecated `band` parameter') val = [ v for v in val for v in (range(len(self)) if v == -1 else [v - 1]) ] return val channels, kwargs = _tools.deprecation_pool.handle_param_renaming_with_kwargs( new_name='channels', old_names={'band': '0.6.0'}, context='ASourceRaster.fill', new_name_value=channels, new_name_is_provided=channels is not None, user_kwargs=kwargs, transform_old=_band_to_channels, ) if kwargs: # pragma: no cover raise TypeError("fill() got an unexpected keyword argument '{}'".format( list(kwargs.keys())[0] )) channel_ids, _ = _tools.normalize_channels_parameter(channels, len(self)) del channels channel_ids = set(channel_ids) value = self.dtype.type(value).tolist() self._back.fill( value=value, channel_ids=channel_ids, )
class ABackStoredRaster(ABackStored, ABackSourceRaster): """Implementation of AStoredRaster's specifications""" def set_data(self, array, fp, channels, interpolation, mask, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError('ABackStoredRaster.set_data is virtual pure') def fill(self, value, channels, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError('ABackStoredRaster.fill is virtual pure')