Source code for buzzard._a_async_raster

import uuid
import queue
import weakref

from buzzard._a_source_raster import ASourceRaster, ABackSourceRaster
from buzzard._footprint import Footprint
from buzzard import _tools
from buzzard._actors.message import Msg
from buzzard._debug_observers_manager import DebugObserversManager


[docs]class AAsyncRaster(ASourceRaster): """Base abstract class defining the common behavior of all rasters that are managed by the Dataset's scheduler. Features Defined ---------------- - Has a `queue_data`, a low level method that can be used to query several arrays at once. - Has an `iter_data`, a higher level wrapper of `queue_data`. """
[docs] def queue_data(self, fps, channels=None, dst_nodata=None, interpolation='cv_area', max_queue_size=5, **kwargs): """Read several rectangles of data on several channels from the source raster. Using `queue_data` instead of multiple calls to `get_data` allows more parallelism. The `fps` parameter should contain a sequence of `Footprint` that will be mapped to `numpy.ndarray`. The first ones will be computed with a higher priority than the later ones. Calling this method sends an asynchronous message to the Dataset's scheduler with the input parameters and a queue. On the input side of the queue, the scheduler will call the `put` method with each array requested. On the output side of the queue, the `get` method should be called to retrieve the requested arrays. The output queue will be created with a max queue size of `max_queue_size`, the scheduler will be careful to prepare only the arrays that can fit in the output queue. Thanks to this feature: backpressure can be entirely avoided. If you wish to cancel your request, loose the reference to the queue and the scheduler will gracefuly cancel the query. In general you should use the `iter_data` method instead of the `queue_data` one, it is much safer to use. However you will need to pass the `queue_data` method of a raster, to create another raster (a recipe) that depends on the first raster. see rasters' `get_data` documentation, it shares most of the concepts Parameters ---------- fps: sequence of Footprint The Footprints at which the raster should be sampled. channels: see `get_data` method dst_nodata: see `get_data` method interpolation: see `get_data` method max_queue_size: int Maximum number of arrays to prepare in advance in the underlying queue. Returns ------- queue: queue.Queue of ndarray The arrays are put into the queue in the same order as in the `fps` parameter. """ for fp in fps: if not isinstance(fp, Footprint): msg = f'element of `fps` parameter should be a Footprint (not {fp})' # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(msg) return self._back.queue_data( fps=fps, parent_uid=None, key_in_parent=None, **_tools.parse_queue_data_parameters( 'queue_data', self, channels, dst_nodata, interpolation, max_queue_size, **kwargs ) )
[docs] def iter_data(self, fps, channels=None, dst_nodata=None, interpolation='cv_area', max_queue_size=5, **kwargs): """Read several rectangles of data on several channels from the source raster. The `iter_data` method is a higher level wrapper around the `queue_data` method. It returns a python generator and while waiting for data, it periodically probes the Dataset's scheduler to reraise an exception if it crashed. If you wish to cancel your request, loose the reference to the iterable and the scheduler will gracefully cancel the query. see rasters' `get_data` documentation, it shares most of the concepts see `queue_data` documentation, it is called from within the `iter_data` method Parameters ---------- fps: sequence of Footprint The Footprints at which the raster should be sampled. channels: see `get_data` method dst_nodata: see `get_data` method interpolation: see `get_data` method max_queue_size: int Maximum number of arrays to prepare in advance in the underlying queue. Returns ------- iterable: iterable of ndarray The arrays are yielded into the generator in the same order as in the `fps` parameter. """ for fp in fps: if not isinstance(fp, Footprint): raise ValueError('element of `fps` parameter should be a Footprint (not {})'.format( fp )) # pragma: no cover return self._back.iter_data( fps=fps, **_tools.parse_queue_data_parameters( 'iter_data', self, channels, dst_nodata, interpolation, max_queue_size, **kwargs ) )
class ABackAsyncRaster(ABackSourceRaster): """Implementation of AAsyncRaster's specifications""" def __init__(self, resample_pool, max_resampling_size, debug_observers, **kwargs): self.uid = uuid.uuid4() self.resample_pool = resample_pool self.max_resampling_size = max_resampling_size self.debug_mngr = DebugObserversManager(debug_observers) # Quick hack to share the dict of path to cache files with the ActorCacheSupervisor # This is currently needed to perform the `.close` operation # This is a clear violation of the separation of concerns self.async_dict_path_of_cache_fp = {} super().__init__(**kwargs) def queue_data(self, fps, channel_ids, dst_nodata, interpolation, max_queue_size, is_flat, parent_uid, key_in_parent): q = queue.Queue(max_queue_size) self.back_ds.put_message(Msg( f'/Raster{self.uid}/QueriesHandler', 'new_query', weakref.ref(q), max_queue_size, fps, channel_ids, is_flat, dst_nodata, interpolation, parent_uid, key_in_parent )) return q def iter_data(self, fps, channel_ids, dst_nodata, interpolation, max_queue_size, is_flat): q = self.queue_data(fps, channel_ids, dst_nodata, interpolation, max_queue_size, is_flat, None, None) def _iter_data_generator(): i = 0 while True: try: while i < len(fps): arr = q.get(True, timeout=QUEUE_POLL_DISTANCE) yield arr i += 1 return except queue.Empty: timeout = True else: timeout = False if timeout: self.back_ds.ensure_scheduler_still_alive() return _iter_data_generator() def get_data(self, fp, channel_ids, dst_nodata, interpolation): it = self.iter_data( [fp], channel_ids, dst_nodata, interpolation, 1, False, # `is_flat` is not important since caller reshapes output ) return next(it) def create_actors(self): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError('ABackAsyncRaster.create_actors is virtual pure') def close(self): """Virtual method: - May be overriden - Should always be called Should be called after scheduler's end """ self.back_ds.put_message(Msg( '/Global/TopLevel', 'kill_raster', self, ), check_scheduler_status=False) # TODO: just sending a kill_raster message may not be enough. Need synchro? self.back_ds.deactivate_many(self.async_dict_path_of_cache_fp.values()) super().close()